
Friday, 4 December 2015

The Newsly Day 04.12.15

‘So you think it’s a choice?’ Student speaks out against intolerance

“The scientific evidence is clear”, says third year physicist Callum as he explains to me the results from his project on lasers.

Callum has been the subject of a lot of attention at the University this week, after a video he published online gathered a lot of attention.

“Being liberal is a part of my life I can’t change or deny”, he continues. “Since I came out to them about voting labour back in May, my Dad and Dad have been really supportive”

University life has not treated Callum well though, as hostility towards liberal students (or, liberalism) is rife around the University.

“I’ve been called a lot of things over the last few years: ‘Politically Bent’, ‘Organic Fruit’, and more recently, ‘Corbyn-f*cker’. Somebody once called me a ‘Champagne Socialist’, but I have no idea how the champagne industry works, so I wouldn’t even know where to begin reorganising it under a collectivist ideology.”

Callum’s video was in response to the University of Bristol Bestiality Society’s controversial anti-liberal themed Christmas soirée, scheduled to take place ‘as soon as possible’.

The Newsly Day deplores this sort of discriminatory attitude, and encourages liberal and ambivalent students alike to join Callum’s protest sail down the Avon this weekend, meeting at the Waterfront at 6pm next Friday for a protest march.

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